Posted in: Remedios

This remedy works wonders! Heals Varicose Veins, Calluses, and Cracked Heels in Just 10 Days!

Cracked heels, dry skin, corns, and varicose veins are among the most common foot problems faced by many people.

There are many factors that can cause these problems, including a poor diet, insufficient care, improper footwear, and a lack of moisture on the skin.

However, you can treat your problem effectively with this amazing remedy that is made with only 2 ingredients.

All you have to do is mix 250 ml of 70% alcohol and 10 crushed aspirin. Let the mixture stay for 1-2 days.

Then, stir the mixture and soak a cotton ball in it. Put the cotton on your heels, wrap them in cling film and put on your socks.

Let it stay overnight. In the morning, wash your feet and apply a cream or glycerol. Repeat the procedure every night for 10 days.

The results will surprise you! Finally, you will say goodbye to chapped skin, corns, and varicose veins.

In this post we will tell you how can you cure cracked heels super fast and in just few days you heels will look beautiful again.

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You will need

  • Luke warm water
  • 2 spoon baking soda
  • Pumice stone
  • 2 spoon salt
  1. In a tub take luke warm water
  2. Add baking soda and salt
  3. Mix it
  4. Soak your feet in this water for 15 minutes
  5. After 15 minutes pat dry your feet and rub it gently with pumice stone to remove dead skin layer

Step 2 – Scrub

  • 2 spoon oil
  • Sugar


  1. In a bowl take 2 spoon oil and add 1 spoon sugar
  2. Your scrub is ready
  3. Rub your feet and heels gently with this for 5 minutes
  4. Wash them with plain water

Step 3 – Moisturizer

You will need
  • Some candle
  • Oil
  1. In a steep bowl take 2 spoon oil, add a small piece of candle
  2. Put this in hot water so it will melt
  3. Now let it cool, your foot cream is ready
  4. Apply this cream all over your feet bottom, cover them with socks