Posted in: Salud

How to make a detox foot bath at home to flush out toxins

Ancient medicine has always used natural remedies to treat any type of health problem. Obviously many of us forget about the power of nature and everything that comes with it, including natural remedies that can work wonders for your health.

So today we have a detox foot bath to flush out toxins. The best part is that it is easy to do and you can do it at home.

But first, let’s find out more about the health benefits of each ingredient included in this detox foot bath:

epsom salt

Epsom salt is a mineral-rich distilled water salt. It is commonly used as a beauty and wellness product.

It is a natural remedy for treating joint pain, arthritis, muscle aches, and skin disorders. According to some studies, Epsom salt offers powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Baking soda (baking soda)

Due to its rich content of vitamins and minerals, baking soda has the ability to remove toxins from your body efficiently and quickly.

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Also, it is a popular natural remedy for removing foot odor and treating sore feet.

Beaver oil

Castor oil is a great source of vitamin E, minerals, and unsaturated fatty acids. This means that it is excellent for pampering your feet.

This oil also offers strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is commonly used to treat athlete’s foot.

W ater

Consumed internally, water can hydrate your skin, while when used externally (when we soak our feet) water can hydrate the skin and open pores.

It is very important for the proper absorption of the other ingredients included in this detox foot bath.

How to do a detox foot bath

Ingredients needed:

10 drops of castor oil
2 tablespoons of baking soda
2 tablespoons Epsom salt
5-6 liters of water


Pour the water into a bowl. Add the ingredients and mix well. Soak your feet in it for 20-30 minutes. Then use a towel to wipe your feet. That’s it!

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Foot baths will not only cleanse your body of toxins, but will also help you relax after a long day. The warm water will relieve aches and pains, calm your muscles, and hydrate your skin.

A quick note on baking soda

– Pregnant or lactating women should not use baking soda. The same applies to children under 5 years of age and those sensitive to sodium.

– Baking soda should not be within the reach of small children.

– You should not consume it or apply it for more than 3 days in a row. If you experience any side effects, stop using it immediately!

Possible side effects of baking soda include:

Humor changes
Muscle pain and / or spasms
Labored breathing
Frequent loss of appetite
Frequent headaches
Frequent urge to urinate
Unusual tiredness or weakness
Unpleasant taste
Nervousness or restlessness
Swollen feet or calves

Side effects are generally considered to occur if you take baking soda in large doses, for a long time, or have kidney disease.

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