Posted in: Remedios

Eliminate bunions naturally with this simple but powerful remedy

Bunions are actually deposits of salt. Its formation is triggered by influenza, tonsillitis, gout, poor metabolism, improper nutrition, rheumatic infection, and uncomfortable shoes.

Bunions are a true «nightmare»: suitable footwear is difficult to find, they are irritating and give an unattractive appearance to the foot.


In the evening, pour 300 ml of water over a tablespoon of crushed bay leaf. Cook for 5 minutes. Keep the liquid in a thermos overnight.

Strain in the morning and take small sips throughout the day. Don’t drink it all at once!

Repeat the procedure for three days in a row and prepare a cool drink every night. Repeat the treatment after 7 days.

Don’t be surprised by frequent urination. It is a sign that the salt in your body has begun to dissolve and irritate your bladder.

You should notice some results within 10 days.

You will feel relieved and the joint pain will eventually go away.

This treatment should last about 2 months and the bunions will disappear completely.

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Take 5 large bay leaves, crush them finely and pour over 100 ml of 96% alcohol. Let steep for a week, then strain.

Apply this remedy on bunions, but before doing so, you may want to soak your feet in warm water (3 liters of water and a tablespoon of baking soda).

Pat your feet dry, apply the remedy, and put on short cotton socks. The combination of iodine and aspirin works very well in treating bunions, joint pain, and other growths.

Recipe 2: Regular soaps also relieve pain and inflammation caused by bunions.

Crush up some soap, apply it to the sore spot, and gently massage the area. Rinse, pat dry and apply some iodine in a net form.

The best way to do this is to soak a cotton swab in povidone-iodine and draw a «net» over the bunions. Just cross a few horizontal and vertical lines, one centimeter apart from each other. Iodine is well absorbed when applied in this way. Let it dry on your skin, then put on your socks. Repeat the treatment for 30 days.


Treat your bunions with equal parts lemon juice and iodine, a treatment that is also effective in treating «heel spurs.»