Posted in: Belleza

Natural shampoo to stop hair loss and stimulate hair growth

Using this natural shampoo that we teach you to prepare today will help you have beautiful hair, prevent hair loss and stimulate growth. Try it!

Natural shampoos are becoming very popular because they represent a healthier and more ecological way to take care of the health of the hair.

This product, which is usually a must in everyone’s routine, can be made with mild ingredients and free of harsh chemicals.

Although there are now many options on the market, there are those who are being encouraged to try these alternatives to get away from detergents and industrial compounds

Although many offer favorable results, it is proven that they are polluting and can cause negative health reactions.

For all this, today we want to teach you how to prepare a homemade shampoo with rye flour and apple cider vinegar that will serve to leave your hair radiant without exposing it to negative effects.

What are the benefits of rye flour for hair?

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Rye flour has been valued in many cultures for its richness in essential nutrients. However, very few people know that it can also be used as a base for hair products.

Its high supply of vitamins and minerals nourish the roots of the hair to stop hair loss and promote healthy growth.

It also contains protein and omega 3 fatty acids, which increase shine and thickness for an enviable appearance.

The vitamins it contains include:

Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B6
B12 vitamin
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Beta carotene
How to prepare this natural rye flour shampoo?

The rye flour natural shampoo recipe is very easy to make and is designed for all hair types.

Its advantage is that it has very little gluten, so it is easy to handle when applied as a treatment.

Try to get the one that is dark and 100% organic, since the others may have chunks of peel and less nutrients.

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4 tablespoons rye flour
Warm water (as needed)


Add the rye flour to a bowl and mix it with the warm water until you get a smooth paste without lumps.

Application mode

Dampen your hair and gently massage your natural shampoo all over your scalp.
Make sure to cover all the hair and let it sit for 5 minutes.
Apple cider vinegar conditioner

After letting the rye flour shampoo work, rinse it off and use a little apple cider vinegar as a natural conditioner.

This product provides shine and softness to your hair to give it the look you want.


¼ cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup of water

Preparation and use

Dilute the apple cider vinegar in the water and apply it all over your hair before the last rinse.
Let it act for a few minutes and rinse with plenty of water.

Using this treatment continuously you will notice that your hair looks cleaner, silkier and more manageable.

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You can use it three times a week or whenever you feel that your hair needs a deep cleaning.

In a matter of days you will begin to feel stronger fibers and a noticeable decrease in the problem of falling. You’ll love it!