Posted in: Belleza

How to grow eyebrows and eyelashes

If you want to have longer and voluminous eyelashes and you are also looking for something to make your eyebrows fuller, do not miss this article where I tell you what you should do to achieve it

Many women complain about the same thing, always “I have few hairs in my eyebrows”, “my eyelashes are very short and weak”, “my eyelashes fall out”, “I have to paint my eyebrows”, etc., and, we look for tricks and treatments to grow eyelashes and eyebrows, which sometimes do not work or which can affect the hair follicle even more and the remedy is worse than the disease.

And it is that although we do not pay much attention to the eyebrows or eyelashes, they are the ones that frame our face and make it more harmonious and striking, so natural eyebrows and strong, voluminous and long eyelashes, make us look a lot more beautiful and without the need for makeup.

The eyelashes and eyebrows serve together with the eyelids, as a protective barrier for the eyes, they stop dust or foreign bodies that could hurt your eye, therefore it is essential that you have a daily cleaning routine, removing all makeup and impurities from all over your face with special products without alcohol, every night. Remember that so you don’t put on makeup, you should clean your face every night.

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You must remove all the makeup from the eyelashes every night, using a product that is not harsh on your eyes, remember that if you use waterproof lashes you must choose a specific product for this type of product that gently removes makeup. It is recommended not to use makeup removers that have oil-based elements because they tend to cover the root of the eyelashes and cause them to fall.

Do not cut the tips of the lashes, many people say that this helps them to grow more but it is totally false. Remember that makeup is one of the easiest and fastest tools to have voluminous, long and lazy eyelashes.

As for the eyebrows, it is also advisable to remove any impurity and dirt that they have every night, remember also that if you pluck your eyebrows you must do it very carefully, since if you remove hair that you should not, they take time to come out and sometimes they do. weak or simply do not return and those spaces remain, so if you plucked your eyebrows badly, do not continue to remove more hairs, simply let them grow completely and wax them again with more caution.


If you have spaces without hairs in the eyebrows, do not make up strongly with an eyeliner since you will end up pulling out the other hairs and in the end you will have to paint them all, because you will weaken the hair follicle until no more hairs come out. The best thing to do to fill in these spaces is to do it with shadows or with an eye pencil but gently.

Products to grow eyebrows and eyelashes

If what you want is to always look natural and use a product that helps your eyebrows and eyelashes grow, here I tell you where to get it and how to use it.

We have always heard that castor oil is very good for growing eyebrows and eyelashes and it is true, as well as being very inexpensive. We can use castor oil to remove makeup at night and after removing all the rest, with the help of a brush or eyelash comb, apply castor oil to the root of the eyelashes and leave it to act overnight. The same should be done on the eyebrows by giving us a gentle but energetic massage on the eyebrows with the oil and leaving it overnight. Castor oil can be found in any beauty center, where they sell naturopathic products or in pharmacies.

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Another product to grow eyebrows and eyelashes is Cilka cream, which should be applied to the eyebrows and eyelashes every night with gentle massages. The first thing we must do is remove the makeup from the eyelashes and eyebrows completely and with the help of a small glass, finger or brush, apply the Cilka cream on the eyebrows and eyelashes, leaving it to act overnight. Depending on the product, the results are seen in approximately three months if the lack of hair on the eyebrows is considerable and on the eyelashes it depends on perseverance and discipline. Cilka cream can be found in pharmacies and supermarkets.

The important thing is to be constant, disciplined and have a lot of patience, since if we hurry we may put aside the application of the products and not see the results. So go ahead and try these techniques and finally show off the eyebrows and eyelashes that you have wanted so much!